Saturday, 10 November 2007

I'm really enjoying this book, its very different from any other book I've read. It's as if time has been held still for me so I can walk around the house and look at everyone without them knowing! The detail he goes into is amazing but its not boring to read as I would have expected it to be. Besides the style of writing, the actuall stories (or "tales") included are so intricate and detailed. I love the story of Bartlebooth and his puzzles! - the fact that, at his death, he has nothing to show for the past 20 years of adventuring around the world although, as the reader, we know that so much more happened!

I've also been looking at other systems Perec used to generate material. He used these:

L E C A R T § I S N O U
S L E C A R T O U § I N
I T L A R O N C E S U §
L I § E C O U R S A N T
L A R U I N E S T O C §
A N T L E S § O I R C U
L § E S A C O U I N T R
I § U E L O R S A N C T
U A I R E C L O § N S T
U A N T S I C L E § R O
§ I T A R E C U L O N S
§ A L O I N C R U S T E

they are called Hétérogrammes. They are a fixed-form poem based on the isogram (above), a series of letters in which no letter appears more than once.
In the poem below, La clôture, Perec uses the principle of a joker, adding one additional letter to the original series.the jokers are written with the § sign.

dis-nous l'écart où finit la ronce sublime
coursant la ruine
stockant l'espoir

Cul-de-sac où intrigue l'or sanctuaire :
clowns tuant —sic— le profit à reculons

Halo incrusté…

there are english translations aswell but I just wanted to explain what they were.

I might use this in my final peice (below). I want to use existing text becuase I'm not very good with words myself.

"My ambition, as Author, my point, I would go so far as to say my fixation, my constant fixation, was primarily to concoct an artifact as original as it was illuminating, an artifact that would, or just possibly might, act as a stimulant on notions of construction, of narration, of plotting, of action, a stimulant, in a word, on fiction-writing today."

Perec has got an asteroid named after him.

I've only just found out that Perec wrote the worlds longest (french)palindrome- 5566 letters! despite being dead, Georges Perec is still a member of the Oulipo—which makes no distinction between living members and deceased ones.
“I consider myself a genuine product of the Oulipo. My existence as a writer is 90% dependent on my knowing the Oulipo at a pivotal point in my formation, in my literary work,”

This following passage is from where I found quite a good essay about him:

“Exhausting the subject”Much is made now of the currency of Georges Perec. Rightly so, if one means by this that the importance of his work is increasingly recognized, but the term would hold equally true in its philosophical sense, the opposite of latency. This eminent member of the workshop for potential literature has always prized the act of literature, preferred realization to simple virtuality, and thus positioned himself in opposition to the attitude of François Le Lionnais—“Don’t forget […] that the method in itself is sufficient. There are methods without instantiation. The example is an extra pleasure that one gives to oneself and to one’s reader.”

I've also been looking at constrained writing on the web.
The ALAMO "Workshop for literature assisted by mathematics and computers" was created in 1982 by two Oulipians: Paul Brafford and Jacques Roubaud.

there was a link on tat page to
twas quite interested in making a font based on these ideas-becuase they are so hidous to look at. "Ambigrams are words or phrases that can be read in more than one way or from more than a single vantage point, most commonly right-side-up and upside-down. Ambigram.Matic is the world's first and only online Ambigram Generator! Flip any word, different words of the same length, or even an entire (symmetrically spaced) sentence on its head, and read it both ways!"-from the website.

I then looked more at palindromes (these are just loads of facts about the I found interesting).
"The actual Greek phrase to describe the phenomenon is karkinikê epigrafê (καρκινική επιγραφή; crab inscription), or simply karkiniêoi (καρκινιήοι; crabs), alluding to the backward movement of crabs, like an inscription which can be read backwards."-wikipedia, dont know their source.
Palindromes date back at least to 79 A.D., as the palindromic Latin word square "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas" was found as a graffito at Herculaneum, buried by ash in that year. Ive been there! but I didnt see it.

Another Latin palindrome, "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni" ("We enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire"), was said to describe the behavior of moths.

Apparently palindromes can be used in music. Igor Stravinsky's final composition, The Owl and the Pussy Cat, is a palindrome.
Brian Westley wrote a computer program for the 1987 International Obfuscated C Code Contest which is a line-by-line palindrome
The longest palindromic word in the Oxford English Dictionary is tattarrattat.

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