Saturday, 13 October 2007

Josie Long

Last night I went to see Josie long, a comedian, who was down in Brighton for the comedy festival. She was absolutely fantastic- i've never actually been inspired by a comedy act before. I recommend to anybody to go and see her if you get the chance. Aswell as obviously being really funny, there are actuall points she wants to get across underlying her jokes. Shes so enthusiastic and positive about everything! The show was called Trying is Good and was basically praising poeple who put in the extra effort and keep on trying even though everythings against them.

One of her stories really stuck in my mind. She talked about the Quaker Edward Hicks who painted atleast 62 versions of the same painting- A Peaceable Kingdom. He did this becuase he found that painting this scene from the bible didn't in anyway compromise his religion or his act of painting.
She concluded with "if your inspired, however weird it is, just do it anyway". I haven't really done the story justice becuase I can't
properly remember it but I felt very excited and enthused afterwards!

This is Josie Long's version of The Peaceable Kingdom!

She made her own show pragramme and photocopied it for everyone, this was one of the pages:

I quite liked the quotes she picked out particularly the last one.

At the end, she gave out postcards addressed to her and wanted anybody to write to her if they find any interesting characters. Me and Sadie are sending her one with Vance Vance on it with the drawing we did.

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